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Yearly Student Feedback

The following information was gathered from surveying grade 7, 8, and 9s from a rural Junior High in Southern Alberta. In previous years, the school operated under a semester system for grade 8 and 9 and a year system for grade 6 and 7. As a result of COVID-19, upon re-entry into the school, administrators chose to have all grades move to the yearly system for the school calendar. 



 Participants were asked to critically reflect about their responses when answering the questions. Grades 7,8 and 9 were all asked about their current yearly schedule. The data found bellow was collected from the surveys.

Compared to the other two school structures, the yearly system could be called the less intensive system. Students have shorter class lengths and teachers have a longer time span to reach curriculum goals. This means that tests, quizzes and assignments are more spread out. We decided to see if students work ethic had any correlation with preferring this more relaxed system. 


Therefore, we decided to analyze study habits as a critical component to the preference of the yearly system.

W O R K    E T H I C

In their own words, students were asked to reflect upon their favourite and least favourite components of the yearly system.

P R O S      &      C O N S 

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