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Grade 10 & 11 Survey

The following information was gathered from surveying grade 10s and 11s at a Calgary High School. In previous years, the school operated under a semester system. As a result of COVID-19, upon re-entry into the school, administrators chose the quarter system for the school calendar. 


The survey was distributed during the final week of the first quarter to allow for students to have fully experienced one quarter. Participants were asked to critically reflect about their responses when answering the questions. The data found bellow was collected from the survey.

The 1/4 system is fast paced and requires a certain level of organization, commitment, and hard work from the student to stay on top of things. Particularly with the lengthy three hour classes, maintaining focus and ensuring one is engaged to thoroughly absorb material is vital. 


Therefore, we decided to analyze study habits as a critical component to the success of the 1/4 system. 

W O R K    E T H I C

P R O S      &      C O N S 

In their own words, students were asked to reflect upon their favourite and least favourite components of the 1/4 system.

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